Monday, April 29, 2019 big scam. You have been warned.

Do not use big scam site. They will make you pay multiple fees for releasing zero bitcoin funds for tbc, plus keeping your original TBC you send them. They are ultimate scam exchanger. I lost almost 2,000.00 USD in fake fees towards them plus 1 full TBC. Do not Use you have been warned. They will eventually block you on whatsapp too. Most likely the real people of this exchanger are from India or Nigeria, Not Austrailia. Whats app admin calls himself Kewell but this is fake name. If you see on Quora Samuel Awopetu he is part of scam ring too. 

The whats app interaction with Kewell, their admin was there to reassure me during their scam operations. The meat of the scam is to get as much money out of you as they can before running away and never turning back. They will make fake screen shot and say hey we sent you bitcoin via blockchain but there is a hold up because of a CRB or cryptocurrency regulatory body. They tell you we need you to send 2,000.00 dollars to cover two certificates to prove you are not a terrorist or drug pusher. The logical question one should ask is, how is me sending you 2,000.00 dollars from my bitcoin address going to prove anything to a regulatory that I am not a terrorist or involved in drug dealings. I was naive enough to follow through with this but now because of my decisions I am in debt to my family for loaning me the costs of these fees.

My recommendation do not pay anything to these bastards. Do not send them any bitcoin or money. They are complete total scam. They don't even have enough bitcoin to pay out 130 BTC multiple times. I will show you why in the pictures below from their block chain address. This is what too look out for if you are approached by any of these scum bags. This is fake IMF letter:

 These are my total BTC payments to get the so called certificates:

After I sent this money is when all communication ceased to exist and I was blocked from whats app admin "Kewell"If thats even his real name. They say they are based in Australia but this may be false, most likely from India or Nigeria. 

This image below is what I got from their block chain wallet. They do not have enough BTC to cover more than 5 BTC worth of transactions: is complete scam. Don't fall for it. In the end you will never get anything. Remember TBC does not have an official exchange of any kind yet. Don't be fooled by these third party scam exchanges. One day TBC will have an official exchange where you will be able to exchange for the direct value of TBC. My advice to you is be patient and don't fall victim to this exchange or any scam exchange like . I will also let the FBI investigate this exchange by sending critical information to the FBI IC3 fraud department. Maybe we can get this company extradited so they have to pay for their crimes, because we all know that now with bitcoin their is a trace to everywhere and with the whois information of the scammers website the FBI maybe able to get the identity of these scam artist and bring them to final justice. 

Remember fellow TBCians there is no such thing as a cash out yet. We must be patient. One day there will be a plentiful exchange. We just have to be patient. Remember God is always with the Patient. God Bless all except these con artist. They will have their day in hell fire. 

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